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For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!

  • APK2.18.1

    Scoot 2021-11-03 52.7MB


    搭乘酷航的您一起来试试吧~ 期待与您在云端重逢!
  • APK2.16.1

    Scoot 2021-07-28 42.8MB

    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!

  • APK2.15.0

    Scoot 2021-05-13 42.5MB

    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!

  • APK2.14.1

    Scoot 2021-04-05 42.5MB
    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!
  • APK2.14.0

    Scoot 2021-03-25 42.5MB
    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!
  • APK2.13.1

    Scoot 2021-03-03 48.7MB
    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!
  • APK2.13.0

    Scoot 2021-02-23 46.9MB
    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!
  • APK2.12.0

    Scoot 2021-01-18 46.3MB
    For years, you've been saying Konnichiwa, Xin Chào, Guten Tag, Annyeong—the same greetings you've been using when you're abroad. You may think that's enough, but is it really? Let us help.Introducing Scootolingo.Level up your foreign languages to flex to your buds, or use them when travel resumes. Start learning new travel lingo and stand a chance to win attractive prizes—did we mention it's only available for Scoot Insiders?Update now to access Scootolingo through our new floating widget!
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