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DS file安卓版v4.17.1




DS file最新版v4.17.1更新说明

- Added support for skipping files when uploading or moving files to the destination where files with the same names already exist.- Improved the stability of connection when connecting via specific Internet service providers.- Shortened image loading time by approximately 50%.- Fixed the issue where signing in with a full QuickConnect address might cause login failure.- Fixed the issue where photo backup might not automatically resume after re-establishing Internet connection.
如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件反馈toususpam#liqucn(dot)com,或移步DS file官网下载最新版

DS file安卓版介绍

DS file,一般又称DS文档远程管理。

*您必须有 Synology NAS 才能运行此应用程序,并且需在 Synology NAS 上运行 DSM 6.1 套件才能获得全部功能* DS file 是管理存储在 DiskStation 上的文件、在 NAS 和 Android 设备之间上传或下载、或者进行基本编辑任务的理想选择。支持 HTTPS,始终安全。除文件管理外,DS file 还是一款实用的工具,可随时浏览图片、观看视频或检查工作文档。 在我们的网站上可找到该应用程序的所有详细功能: www.synology.com > DSM 6.1 > 移动应用程序 > 软件规格 https://www.synology.com/dsm/6.1/software_spec/mobile#DSfile

手机DS file app截图

  • DS file截图1
  • DS file截图2
  • DS file截图3
  • DS file截图4


  • 允许访问网络连接
  • 获取WiFi及WLAN热点状态
  • 查看网络连接
  • 允许改变WiFi多播状态
  • 允许写入外部存储
  • 允许程序在手机屏幕关闭后后台进程仍然运行
  • 允许显示系统窗口
  • 允许开机自动启动
  • 允许安装其他应用权限
  • 允许改变网络状态
  • 允许读取多媒体文件定位信息
  • 允许读取外部存储权限
  • 允许应用使用设备支持的生物识别
  • 允许程序使用指纹硬件
  • APK4.13.1

    DS file安卓 2023-09-08 18.7MB

    - Added support for skipping files when uploading or moving files to the destination where files with the same names already exist.- Improved the stability of connection when connecting via specific Internet service providers.- Shortened image loading time by approximately 50%.- Fixed the issue where signing in with a full QuickConnect address might cause login failure.- Fixed the issue where photo backup might not automatically resume after re-establishing Internet connection.

  • APK4.13.1

    DS file安卓 2023-05-22 18.7MB

    - Added support for skipping files when uploading or moving files to the destination where files with the same names already exist.- Improved the stability of connection when connecting via specific Internet service providers.- Shortened image loading time by approximately 50%.- Fixed the issue where signing in with a full QuickConnect address might cause login failure.- Fixed the issue where photo backup might not automatically resume after re-establishing Internet connection.

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