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  • United Airlines4.1.106

    更新日期:2024-03-08 文件大小:149MB
    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.
  • United Airlines4.1.103

    更新日期:2024-02-21 文件大小:157MB
    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.
  • United Airlines4.1.102

    更新日期:2024-02-17 文件大小:154MB
    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.
  • United Airlines4.1.19

    更新日期:2021-06-04 文件大小:83.7MB
    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.
  • United Airlines4.1.18

    更新日期:2021-06-02 文件大小:83.3MB
    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.
  • United Airlines4.1.13

    更新日期:2021-03-19 文件大小:77.5MB
    We’re continuing to improve and enhance our Travel-Ready Center (TRC) to help you feel prepared and informed for your upcoming travels. Enhancements in this release include the ability to view travel requirements in TRC for travelers in your itinerary under 18, including infants in seats and lap children, as well as messaging denoting a change to your travel requirements since your last visit to the TRC.
  • United Airlines4.1.12

    更新日期:2021-02-27 文件大小:76.7MB
    In this mobile release, we’ve launched an innovative and industry-leading feature called the “Travel-Ready Center,” where customers can review COVID-19 entry requirements, find local testing options for [select ]locations and upload any required testing and vaccination records for domestic and international travel, all in one place. The Travel-Ready Center is accessible through the Reservation Details section under My Trips.
  • United Airlines4.1.11

    更新日期:2021-01-26 文件大小:76.2MB
    In this mobile release, we’ve launched an innovative and industry-leading feature called the “Travel-Ready Center,” where customers can review COVID-19 entry requirements, find local testing options for [select ]locations and upload any required testing and vaccination records for domestic and international travel, all in one place. The Travel-Ready Center is accessible through the Reservation Details section under My Trips.
  • United Airlines4.1.10

    更新日期:2021-01-15 文件大小:75.8MB
    Happy new year! In our first release of 2021, we’ve launched a new exciting feature giving you the ability to view your receipts! You can locate receipts for your bookings, ancillary purchases, inflight purchases and more. We have also included updates to accommodate our Emotional Support Animal (ESAN) and Service Animal (SVAN) policy changes effective as of Jan. 11, 2021.
  • United Airlines3.0.30

    更新日期:2022-06-07 文件大小:77.3MB

    In this release, we’ve continued to make enhancements to our Travel-Ready Center to ensure you have the most up-to-date information you may need for your travels. Highlights include making it easier to understand when requirements have been fulfilled or are outstanding as well as the display of what your transit requirements will be if you are connecting.

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