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当前位置:历趣安卓app下载>Google Play服务安卓版>Google Play服务历史版本

Google Play服务app icon图

Google Play服务23.17.15--040400-534251769-


大小:102MB开发商:Google Inc.


Google Play服务23.17.15--040400-534251769-更新说明



Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK23.39.18--100400-572044148-

    Google Play服务 2024-02-17 171MB
  • APK23.30.13 (040400-552628474)

    Google Play服务 2024-01-16 111MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK23.24.14 (040400-544099984)

    Google Play服务 2023-07-12 107MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK21.39.59 (040308-405992912)

    Google Play服务 2023-05-20 77.8MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK21.36.14--040308-395708125-

    Google Play服务 2021-10-15 78.4MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK21.26.58--020306-388690059-

    Google Play服务 2021-08-27 49.7MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK21.12.13--150400-367530751-

    Google Play服务 2021-06-02 99.1MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

  • APK20.47.13 (100400-344095733)

    Google Play服务 2021-05-19 87.6MB


    Make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device: go to Menu->Settings->Security-> and check "Unknown Sources"

    Tap the APK file. Allow the app any required permissions it asks for. Then, at the bottom of the installer window, click INSTALL.

    You'll see a confirmation the app is installed. Now you'll see the app available in your list of installed apps.

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